Sunday, January 17, 2010

THEE first post

Alright so I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I always felt that blogging was something reserved for computer nerds talking about their new version of Halo or people who think that they're lives are so intriguing that the whole world will want to read about them. But I have recently realized that normal people can blog, too. I was really surprised when I noticed that many of my friends have blogs and update them regularly. I think there's something therapeutic about writing things down. So I'm going to try it. Hmm so what to talk about? Right now I'm watching the World's Strongest Man competition while my friend takes a you can see, my life is VERY interesting. What do these guys do to get ready for pulling a bus or putting "atlas stones" on pedestals? I don't get what the big deal about being the world's strongest man is. Why work that hard for something that no one really cares about? Then again, I guess you could make that argument for a lot things. I, for example, want to play be a performer. Not a music teacher. Not a music producer. A performer. Everyone is constantly telling me that I should get a degree in something useful so that when I graduate I'll have a steady job. But seriously? That's lame. I'm not going to compromise my dream just because it's risky or difficult. Too many people give up on their dreams. Since coming to college, I have met so many people that have said "Well, I really want to do this, but that's just unrealistic" or "well, I really would do that, but my parents don't approve." It's sad to me that people are being conditioned NOT to dream. Instead, we're taught to play it safe and make money. But if you do that, what is your life worth? A dollar sign? And when all is said and done, what do you have to show for it? I think that everyone is put here for a purpose, and that somewhere, even if its waaaay down deep, everyone knows what that purpose is. Everyone has a dream at some point. It is unfortunate that many dreams are crushed before they even have a chance to grow. Look at people who had dreams and followed them...everyone from Martin Luther King (it's MLK day tomorrow, so I figure that's a good example) to Perez Hilton started with an idea. They wanted something and then they worked for it. I absolutely 125% believe that ANYONE who has the courage to pursue their dream, no matter what it is or who they are, can achieve it. Because the truth is, there aren't many people willing to do that. Those who do will make it, and those who take the safe and easy route will be left wondering what would've happened if they wouldn't have. So, I am going to live by the title of my blog. Never say never. Wow that's really cheesey but I don't care. I'm blogging. It's allowed to be cheesey, right? Well, farewell my friends and may you always believe in the wonderful creature that is you. Just kidding, thats a little over the top.


  1. Jordan! your life is interesting and I think you're a wonderful creature ;) I love this blog, and you're absolutely right. you were born to be a drummer fo shizzle. live your dream and don't let anyone stop you! I love you and I support you 125% :)

  2. i'm so glad you got a blog! i know it's been a long time since we've talked, but i love this post! it's good to hear that you're going after what will make you happy in the end, not what is "safest". so awesome!

  3. thanks guys! i love and miss you both

  4. I kind of like what walt disney said, "It's kind of fun doing the impossible." dream a little dream jordinho.
